Sound Check

Always do a self-check on audio to confirm/fix solid audio prior to CE21 remote sound check



  1. Headphones plugged into your camcorder and set with a headphones levels preference set that is comfortable for your hearing and able to hear nuance in the audio mix

  2. You test the lavalier by wearing it appropriately on your sternum

  3. You test the wireless handheld by holding it a 6"-12" away from your mouth

  4. Your audio levels in the camcorder are hitting about -6db peaks on the camera audio meters

  5. You test each mic for longer than 5 seconds and test while silent also (noise floor)

  6. If laptop audio is set in the room and the speaker is there with laptop, test with this set up.

  7. The audio in your camera headphones has been addressed of any audio issues and have confirmed:

    1. Clear

    2. No noticeable noise floor

    3. No buzz/hum

  8. You have tested the room audio additionally and have confirmed:

    1. No echo

    2. No feedback

    3. No "edge" of feedback slight ringing

Verify audio levels are bouncing in Zoom

IMPORTANT: Turning down recording levels to turn down audio issues (Noise/Buzz) is not a solution. Address the audio issue.

Maintain around -6db audio peaks in your camera throughout by having the audio mixer within arms length at your tech area

Above: Verify your audio levels are bouncing in Zoom when testing microphones


  1. Google Hangouts/Chat msg Reid "I'm ready for sound check" and wait for confirmation.

  2. Mute wireless handheld / laptop audio on audio mixer.

  3. Place lavalier on sternum, unmute lavalier on mixer and quickly confirm -6db peaks in camcorder recording meters

  4. Walk around edge of room while chatting and identify the microphone "I'm walking around room on wireless lavalier, making sure no dropouts or feedback in room when I'm near a PA or under ceiling speaker...yadda"

  5. Return to tech area, mute lavalier, unmute handheld on board and quickly confirm -6db peaks in camcorder recording meters

  6. Walk around edge of room while chatting and identify the microphone "I'm walking around room on wireless handheld, making sure no dropouts or feedback in room when I'm near a PA or under ceiling speaker...yadda"

  7. Return to tech area, turn off wireless lavalier and wireless handheld transmitters to conserve battery power.

Above: The perfect sound check process


If the speaker has any video clips in their presentation, on SPEAKER'S LAPTOP in Zoom (as logged in as a panelist into the program):

  1. Click on Share Screen

  2. Select the Screen that is the SlideShow on the projector

  3. Check Optimize for video clip at the bottom of the Share dialog

  4. Share sound should autocheck by the above action but always verify.

  5. Click on Share button

This step needs to be done as part of the remote sound check to CE21!

If the hotel is working on Ethernet connection for the speaker, see if the speaker can connect to WiFi temporarily just to get this out of the way. Connect to Ethernet after doing sound check

The laptop audio should already be configured based on:

Zoom Webinar Audio Workflow #1 | Click here for instructions
In a nutshell: Laptop Audio in event room, camera and headphones

  • Speaker laptop is Windows OS with video clips or important audio clips in their presentation.

  • Speaker laptop is Windows OS without video clips or important audio clips in their presentation.

  • Speaker laptop is Mac OS without video clips or important audio clips in their presentation.

Zoom Webinar Audio Workflow #2 | Click here for instructions
In a nutshell: Laptop Audio in event room only. Camera/headphones bypassed

  • Speaker laptop is Mac OS with video clips or important audio clips in their presentation.

CE21 remote sound check will verify video clip audio is in sync in Zoom, no double audio/echo and verify through the videographer that audio sync and sound in room is solid.