In Program


Make sure you have Google Hangouts or Google Chat (If you're on Google workspaces) on your phone.

If CE21 messages you - it's going to be work related and should be considered important!

During a program a CE21 initiated Google Chat may be related to something you're not aware of that is critically affecting the Zoom program. Have your mobile phone on vibrate, with charger and on the ready where you will notice any messages and be able to respond very quickly.

You may have to pull wider on your framing to read any CE21 messages so that the speaker doesn't walk out of frame.


CAMERA FRAMING - Make sure keeping with the action and zooming in when can seize a better closer shot.

AUDIO MONITORING/ADJUSTING - Monitoring audio throughout with headphones plugged into your camera as well as keeping an eye on your camera audio meters. Understand about where -6db is on your camera meters - this may require looking at your camera's manual. Adjust channels on the audio mixer to keep about -6db peaks in your camera meters with clean audio.

INTERNET/ZOOM STABILITY - Keep an eye on Zoom to make sure no freezing, stuttering etc. Don't get so absorbed in camera-work that you don't look at Zoom for 10 minutes. Zoom should be "close enough to real-time" preview monitor in order to use quite frequently as reference point when doing camera work