Ending & Wrap Up


Always wait a minute to two to absolutely confirm all is 100% done - not a false ending where the speaker revs up again.

  1. Go as wide as your camera will go on Camera Framing (Adjust camera exposure)

  2. Zoom:

    1. Mute Zoom on YOUR LAPTOP

    2. Click on Stop button in the Pause/Stop Recording interface

  3. Click on X at the top right of Zoom window

    1. Select End Meeting for All which will end all attendees/panelists being in Zoom

Stop recording

End Meeting for All


Upon exiting Zoom you will be prompted to Convert the Meeting Recording.

I'm estimating it will take between 2-4 hours to convert a full event day depending on your system specs.

If you're at a hotel for a multi-day gig, go back to the guest room and start the conversion process, otherwise when am back at home or home office - start conversion process or do it overnight

After Zoom Conversion is done:

  1. In the folder you assigned Zoom recording to be recorded at you'll most likely see 1 or more Zoom.mp4 files (Such as if there were Internet hiccups)

  2. Double check the files in a media player - skip around and make sure nothing snaps back.

  3. Upload the file(s) relevant to the program content in Videographer Portal


Approve your expenses in the Videographer Portal if there are no tolls/parking fees.

If you think there are parking fees, on the way out ask if the venue validates as you were part of the program.

If there are tolls/parking fees, please send to reid@ce21.com as soon as possible. Smart phone pictures of parking receipts is perfect.